Monologue 12 Pragmatism

Also known as the quality of being practical; A pragmatic person is the one who doesn’t believe in ideologies or principles and does what needs to be done. I don’t understand this trait. There are always laws,expectations interests to uphold. How does one free themselves from these? People who have seen political dramas like House of Cards , Sacred Games etc. will know that the protagonist’s storyline moves forward by being ruthlessly pragmatic. In the face of opportunity will you be an opportunist or will you be righteous. Do you really understand difference between right, wrong and ‘PRACTICAL’ . There are jobs like defence generals, scientists politicians, that require pragmatism to be a strong trait. You certainly want to be the one whose hunts and not the one who gets hunted. But will you have a choice? So what it’s gonna be: Mercy or No Mercy ; Forgiveness for Revenge; Trust or Betrayal…….

Monologue #7 Bravery and Sacrifice

There are so many ways to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involves laying down your life for something bigger than yourself, or for someone else. Sometimes it involves giving up everything you have ever known, or everyone you have ever loved, for the sake of something greater. For Something that is too valuable to lose something that’s too precious to give away…….